This is who we are.


We are high-achievers, good at what we do, and problem solvers. 

We are more than capable. We tend to be educated both formally and informally and often pursue additional training and certifications. 

We find ourselves in positions of relative power. But we struggle with feeling a deep and often hidden lack of confidence. We hold exceptionally high standards for ourselves but not necessarily for others. 

We hesitate to show our full Selves openly and publicly. We have a long-ingrained habit of dismissing ourselves and prioritizing everyone else. 

Our inner critic puts everyone else first, and we end up deferring, adapting, conforming, and repackaging ourselves, our ideas, our truths, and our leadership style to fit the perceived expectations. 

We are changing the way we lead, from conforming and adapting our style to fit the perceived expectations and fill outdated roles to leading from our own authentic voice—grounded and connected to our inner wisdom.

In the Women’s Leadership Circle, we expand self-knowing and develop deeper self-trust.


In circumstances where there’s perceived or real opposition (aka, conflict)—a “you vs. me” dynamic—our unconscious reaction is to put more weight on the other person’s needs, opinions, or preferences. 

It’s hard for us to hold our own needs, opinions, and preferences in the same regard as someone else’s. 

It shows up in little ways, like going along with someone else’s plans, even when it’s not our preference, and in big ways, like avoiding conflict until it’s unbearable and explosive or agreeing to decisions we deeply regret. 

This is the form of our inner critic – self-dismissive and deferential; it’s often automatic and unconscious. Somewhere we were taught or conditioned to incorrectly think of our Selves (our ideas, preferences, opinions, needs, desires) to be less important than or secondary to other people’s ideas, preferences, opinions, needs, desires. 

And, when we do assert ourselves, it feels uncomfortable and yucky. We need to transform the binary “you vs. me” to a both/and, or “me and you”. 

In the Women’s Leadership Circle, we build our capacity for holding our Selves with the same regard as we hold others and the ability to face into conflict with greater transparency and skill. 


Self-expression is hard for us. It is hidden to us. In fact, we may not even really understand what “self-expression” means. 

When conditioned to be, or in the habit of being, self-dismissive, we develop a skill of seeing others pretty well (interpreting them, understanding them, and accommodating them). 

While this is a talent, the flip side is that we haven’t focused on knowing our Self.  We are left struggling to see ourselves clearly—our truths, ideas, perspectives, our gifts, and our inner-knowing and instincts.

Plain and simple, you cannot express what you don’t know. Lack of deep self-knowing and awareness is a major block to being able to self-express and lead from your authentic style

Self-expression is simply to know oneself and express that knowing, externally into the world.

And here’s the thing: Leadership IS self-expression. Leadership is your Self, expressed. It is who you are, brought outward—your ideas, vision, direction, boundaries, guidance – expressed to others in order to lead them in a direction. Without self-expression, there is no leadership. Period.   

In the Women’s Leadership Circle, we build skills in vulnerability, congruency, and courage so we can lead with confidence.

Energy and joy.

We find ourselves feeling stuck, hesitant, drained, exhausted, uninspired, and disconnected from life force. 

Many of us have suffered from a real longing for “life to start.” A longing to feel awake in this world. To end the boring, disconnected, and draining work and begin feeling inspired and energized! To see our truths in action! To transform self-criticism and self-loathing into self-trust, self-appreciation, and life force! 

In the Women’s Leadership Circle, we awaken our joy and inspiration.

For all women.

women, femmes, and woman-identifying, nonbinary, and two-spirited people

How do the Women’s Leadership Circles work?

Nourishing. Connecting. Transformational.

  • The Women’s Leadership Circles are LIVE, VIRTUAL, and take six months.

  • The program is NOURISHING, and not draining. We meet TWICE per month for TWO hours.

  • Meetings begin with a THEME-based lesson followed by activities where you’ll explore your own thinking about the topic, and completing with sharing insights and perspectives.

  • Your circle will have a private, virtual space with additional resources to take the work DEEPER, should you feel called to and have time.

  • Your circle will have 10-15 women and you’ll complete your entire program with the same women, developing deep and lasting CONNECTIONS.

We explore topics using

trauma-informed reflective processes ✨ guided meditation ✨ visualization ✨ embodiment + mindfulness exercises ✨ expressive art practices ✨ Jungian psychology ✨ writing and journaling ✨ witnessing, being witnessed ✨ community holding ✨ neuroscience

We focus on themes like

inner authority ✨ seeing your Self more clearly ✨ vulnerability + courage ✨ congruency ✨ shadows ✨ self-expression ✨ fear + anger ✨ systems of harm ✨ transitions ✨ leadership ✨ divine feminine + masculine

We deep-dive into

inner knowing + wisdom ✨ deepening your self-awareness ✨ refining sense of purpose and personal values ✨ develop a relationship with ALL the parts of yourself ✨ identifying + exploring self-limiting patterns ✨ understanding patriarchal system impacts ✨ articulate what leadership is to you ✨ confidence in your leadership style


  • Where do the circles take place?

    Your Women’s Leadership Circle will be held virtually via Zoom. You can access it anywhere you have internet access. Additionally, you’ll have a private virtual learning space specific to your circle where you’ll get deep-dive content for each topic and have access to class recordings.

  • Who can I expect to be in my circle?

    Women, femmes, woman-identifying people who work at all levels are welcome. We often have a variety ranging from women early in their careers who aren’t yet supervising to leaders of organizations, agencies, and businesses. Women from all walks of life with all different experiences. The range of personal experiences creates depth and richness in the work we do together. The common thread is a deep desire to show up with their whole selves in leadership and a deep desire to contribute to positive change in this world. Each circle has 10-15 people, and you will be with the same people for the length of your program.

  • What's the time investment?

    THESE circles are meant to be nourishing and not draining, so we intentionally do not require homework. You should do your very best to show up to the live meetings, which are held twice per month for 2 hours for six months. Live participation is where the deepest transformation is possible. Beyond that, you can spend as much time and go as deep as you’d like in the extra deep-dive content for each topic that you access via your circle’s virtual space.

  • What if I can't make all the meetings?

    While it’s important that you make our meetings a priority, life happens. Inevitably, something will come up and you’ll miss a meeting. Each meeting is recorded (audio only, not video) and your circle’s recordings are saved in a private, password-protected virtual space. If you miss a meeting, it’s expected that you’ll make time to listen to the recording and take yourself through the exercises in order to stay up-to-speed with your group’s progress.

  • Professionally, I've had negative interactions with other women at times. What if that happens here?

    Here’s the deal - we live in a white, cis, hetero-patriarchal system. Part of the conditioning we’ve subconsciously been subject to is to be competitive and suspicious of other women. It’s not uncommon to have professional experiences with women that have left a bad taste in your mouth. It’s all the more reason to show up to a program like this. We learn how patriarchal messaging has set us up for that experience, and we talk about what we can do instead. One of the biggest gaps for modern women is a safe and supportive community with other women. In the circles, we remember the instinct of the feminine expression to come together in community, outside of hierarchy, and into co-creation.

  • How do you handle intersectionality?

    Many people have intersecting or overlapping experiences of oppression and marginalization, in addition to being a woman, femme, or woman-identify. Broadly speaking, it’s still common for people to feel hesitant to discuss marginalization that occurs because of race, ethnicity, ability, class, sexual orientation, gender, and more. In the Women’s Leadership Circle, we practice getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. At the first meeting, we take time to acknowledge and invite intersectional experiences into the process, normalizing that such topics are welcome and even expected, given the type of content we explore. Throughout the program, each topic’s deep dive content includes intersectional learning. Though we aren’t teachers of intersectionality, we make safe space for ALL experiences to be voiced, witnessed, honored, and held. Want to learn more about intersectionality? Check out this video with Kimberlé Crenshaw, Professor of Law, UCLA & Columbia Law School, Executive Director of African American Policy Forum.

  • I've never been in a women's circle - what's it like?

    Liz here. Let me answer this one. First, all circles are different. I am a huge believer in them, whatever form. Here’s why: My first career was in aviation - a highly patriarchal system that taught me how to avoid women. On top of that, I also received the common conditioning that we should be able to handle everything ourselves, that “I am only as valuable as I am able to go-it-alone successfully.” Wow, was that all wrong! When I went to my first women’s retreat, I hadn’t even done a circle yet. Let me tell you, I was SCARED. But it cracked open a level of magic I didn’t know I was missing. Now, more than ten years later, I know that I wouldn’t be who I am today, doing work that I love with people who transform me, if I hadn’t started participating in women’s circles. A women’s circle, in whatever form, is a gathering for women to feel safe, heard, and seen in the presence of a supportive community. It’s a place to learn together and grow together and a place where we can take off our masks and practice showing up fully. Circling with women has been some of the most profound and transformative experiences of my life. You should try one!

Liz Moore | Founder of Planning School + Women's Leadership Coach

I’m a leadership coach for smart, experienced, talented women who struggle to see themselves clearly—their truths, ideas, perspectives, their gifts, and their inner-knowing and instincts. They crave self-trust and confidence, a connection to life force, and more energy and joy. They are skilled at adapting to fit other people’s needs and expectations, but this lack of congruency widens the disconnection from Self and is utterly exhausting and uninspiring. I work with women, femmes, and woman-identifying people who are ready to step more fully into their power, to be seen, to have a sense of purpose, and to lead from their authentic and unique leadership voice. Together, we come back to ourselves to stop being all the many things we can be, and start being exactly who we are. [email protected]