Contemporary Strategic Planning + Leadership

Supporting purpose-driven leaders who want to have greater impact.

We help people transform generic strategic acumen that leaves them feeling ill-equipped, to confident change leadership with a complete strategic action toolkit. 

For those who want to go deeper, we weave in human and team studies, cultural systems, neuroscience, Jungian psychology, and embodiment practices, because who we are as individuals and communities is definitively tied to how our organizations function.  


Our students need support and want control.

They are building a new and better future amidst unprecedented uncertainty and certain adversity.

Our students want to have the greatest impact possible for their mission and their people.

They are also tired of the old, inflexible ways of doing business. They want control. They don't want to rely on outside facilitators to create a vision for their future or costly consultants to tell them how to make it happen. They don't want to be reliant on someone else's schedule or opinion. 

They know what's best for their organization. They want to lead the process. They want the skills and the know-how to think strategically and make adaptable plans, over and over again. They want planning to be reliable and productive so that they can have an impact.

Our students want the in-house capacity to lead the process themselves and build nimble plans that help them have big impact - and they want to do it over and over again, as much as it takes to create the future they envisionThey just need a hand. That's what we offer.

Where did Planning School come from?

We were born out of experience, disruption, and a desire to support meaningful work.

Our founder, Liz Moore, spent a decade consulting with hundreds of leaders at some of the most complex resource management agencies and twenty years facilitating small nonprofits, entrepreneurs, and businesses through strategic processes. But her love was always for teaching and breaking down the mystery in planning and making it accessible, repeatable, and effective amidst constant uncertainty. When the pandemic hit, and her travel stopped, she seized the disruption to create the first version of our Strategic Planning Course. Krista is one of the best instructors and facilitators around, and she's helped create our programs. They teamed up to bring you Planning School.

About Planning School

Who we are and what matters to us.

  • Purpose (why are we here?)

    We're here to move the needle on our world's greatest challenges by helping you do your part to move the needle. Small (and large) actions by many people will transform the world.

  • Mission (what do we do?)

    We teach purpose-driven leaders contemporary strategic planning and change leadership so they have more impact.

  • Principles (what do we believe in?)

    1) All things are interconnected. 2) The laws of nature are the highest laws. 3) The planet and her people have an inherent right to sovereignty, equity, and justice. 4) We all have a role to play. 5) The time is now.

  • Values (we are...)

    courageous - unrelenting - human

Liz Moore

Founder of Planning School

I work with leaders that want to source from courage—their courage to face the unknown and not get stopped. To push through the barriers and make real, meaningful change. I started Planning School to educate and support the everyday changemakers on the front lines of our world's greatest challenges--and to help people see themselves as the ones we've been waiting for.
Strategic planning expert Liz Moore

Krista Guardino

Lead Instructor

Nature is the source of inspiration and purpose in my career. My home is in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, where I spend at least an hour every day outside, 365 days a year. I help resource management agencies and ecologically-minded nonprofits and businesses navigate the often-harsh realities of protecting this big blue rock we all inhabit.
Strategic planning expert Krista Guardino

El Williams

Program + Marketing Coordinator

I come from changemakers - quiet and loud - who led me to believe that so much is possible when creativity and collaboration collide. Through partnership with Planning School, I aim to catalyze the change necessary for all futures. To do this, I am committed to the process of disrupting bias and decolonizing systems and practices (at every level and intersection) that inherently oppress leaders and communities.
Strategic planning program coordinator El Williams

We aren't for you (or your team) if...

  • You need to have a plan to impress the boss or secure some ladder-climbing
  • You want someone to do it for you; it doesn't matter if you know how to plan
  • Profit is your #1
  • You don't believe in climate change or that systems of harm like white supremacy, colonization, and patriarchy need to be dismantled (and that we are all participating in these systems whether or not we intend to)
  • Status and hierarchy are important to you
  • If you believe that "if it looks good, it's good enough"
  • You'll avoid challenges, conflict, and disappointing people, even if that means you aren't doing the right thing
  • It doesn't matter to you to "do your part"
  • You're corporate to the bone, and contestable markets, diversification, portfolio management, and downstream integration has to be part of your planning process
  • You don't believe strategic planning works
  • You don't care for direct women who might say a swear word to help motivate you

But don't worry; there's someone out there for everyone! We wish you well in finding the right person to help you out!