Thursday, June 6, 2024 from 11:00-12:00 Mountain

👋 Hey, Leaders! In the last 12 months, has your team experienced…

  • a change in leadership?
  • new positions? 
  • turnover in existing positions?
  • stagnation in functionality or productivity?

You need team stability.

Change on your team is an opportunity for growth. 

There isn't time to wait for teams to naturally find a rhythm.

➡️ How do you find team stability and organization strategy amongst turnover and feeling over-capacity

➡️➡️➡️You must understand the individuals on the team and then be intentional about how you will work.  

Join us live or watch the recording to LEARN:

  • what to FOCUS ON during the 12 months after changes have occurred on the team

  • how transitionary times can be a TOOL FOR INFLUENCING CULTURE (less stress, more productivity)

  • RESET AND FORMALIZE how the team communicates and collaborates (no more meetings that are only to “report-out”)

  • respect the HUMAN QUALITIES of the members of the team – for their wellbeing and for the success of the organization


  • Do I have to attend the webinar live or will there be a recording?

    We STRONGLY recommend that you do your best to attend live. And we know that life happens. The sessions will be recorded and made available for registrants. Don't let your schedule stop you from signing up! If you can't join live, watch the recording.

  • Can I have more than one person from my organization attend the webinar?

    Absolutely - as many as you want. NOTE: Each person should REGISTER SEPARATELY! 1 registration = 1 person.

  • What time zone is the live webinar in?

    Mountain Time. It is on Thursday, June 6, 2024 from 11:00-12:00 MT. 10:00-11:00 PT/ 11:00-12:00 MT/ 12:00-1:00 CT/ 1:00-2:00 PT

  • How do I get ahold of someone if I have questions?

    Drop us an email at [email protected].

Can't attend live?

Register to get the recording.

Meet your guide

Krista Guardino, Lead Trainer @ Planning School and Owner of Koshka Co.

Krista is the lead trainer for our Strategic Planning and she owns Koshka Co., a business focused on nurturing sustainable and strategic teams. A significant portion of that work is in facilitating “Team Summits” which are retreats to encourage team solidarity, establish mutual expectations, and launch team into a future where wellbeing is prioritized and the organization has a sustainable strategy for the future.