In extraordinary times, what can you do to stay clear and keep moving forward?

We are all impacted by the current state of our country and the world. The worldwide pandemic and spotlight on racial injustices, along with ongoing civil and political unrest, and escalating impacts of climate change are requiring us to reflect deeply, question our beliefs and our systems, and engage in overdue conversations and action. 

Our lives are in a state of upheaval that isn’t going anywhere soon. Uncertainty might be the only consistent thing. We are regularly finding ourselves in circumstances that require us to adapt in a matter of minutes and days, not months or years. At the same time, so much is unknown. We are creating our own maps while on the journey. People are afraid, angry, and feeling vulnerable and unsure. There is also optimism, joy, and connection happening. Everywhere you look, there are incredible acts of courage, kindness, and ingenuity. 

At this point, you are quite familiar with uncertainty, having lived through the last few years and looking forward at the anticipated escalating impacts of climate change and evolving cultural expectations. What’s unique to this moment is history is the speed and unpredictability of change, and the hard truth that for better or worse, our world is changing permanently

Now, more than ever, leaders at every level of the service need to step into their leadership with more confidence as they navigate uncertainty and global change.

What you'll learn

Four strategies to help you continue moving forward with confidence in an era of uncertainty.

  • fundamental concepts for focusing and pathfinding during times of uncertainty

  • frameworks for grounding in the aspects of your organization that never change, even in a crisis

  • frameworks for identifying an adaptable direction forward and learn ways to adjust plans for change

  • processes and practices that help you understand what to say “yes” to and what to say “no” to while you navigate change

  • identify what personal, professional, and team resources are needed to support your own wellbeing, and the wellbeing of those you lead

  • how to connect with a grounded courage that helps you keep moving, even when it's unclear

You don't have to face uncertainty unprepared

Learn four strategies to keep going forward with confidence.



I thought the webinars were excellent. Your approach to the topic is very clear, easy to digest, and you were very engaging. The best I have seen! Believe me, I'm going to steal liberally from your playbook. Thank you.


Liz did an amazing job conveying a strong framework for leading through change. In many ways, it has helped me articulate ideas I have been developing for years. Her direct, inciteful, and empathetic approach to leadership and change management is inspiring.


Thank you for creating Leading in a Changing World. It is the best virtual training I've experienced!! I keep referencing it and encouraging others to attend.


Thank you for this training. Some things I knew, some things I learned, and all things I needed to hear out loud. I am really looking forward to the deep dives of the series.


Incredible series! Somehow, I always leave your trainings both energized and calm!


Your personal insights and experiences were moving. Thank you for letting us learn and expand our own courage by witnessing yours.

Meet your instructor

Founder + Instructor Liz Moore

I love this work! On the surface, it looks like helping leaders solve complex problems, build strong teams, and execute nimble strategies. Underneath, it’s really about delivering experiences that light up people’s courage and turn on their connection to purpose. I’ve spent a decade as a consultant and trainer specializing in strategic planning, change management, and leadership coaching. Going back even further, I’ve been behind the scenes facilitating organizations and individuals to define their purpose and professional identity. I’m a strategic thinking expert, master facilitator, skilled teacher, and coach.

Who is this for? Individuals who:

  • are in either formal or informal leadership roles

  • struggle with the onslaught of challenges we face socially and environmentally

  • find themselves in a persistent state of overwhelm

  • are leaders with teams in a persistent state of overwhelm and lack of motivation or inspiration

  • feel disconnected from a sense of purpose and control

  • need help NOW to navigate ongoing uncertainty, ambiguity, and unpredictability