So, you want to do Strategic Planning

Are you looking for a shared direction? A clear vision? A plan to follow?

Maybe you are trying to get workloads under control. Possibly you want a strategy for finding motivation during ongoing uncertainty. Or, you might be looking to make some major changes. No matter your reason, if you are interested in Strategic Planning, you better be clear about how to set yourself up for a successful process. This masterclass is a must-do for anyone interested in starting a Strategic Planning Process.

What you'll learn

Don't get stopped before you even get started! This masterclass gives you all the foundations that everyone should know before they begin a Strategic Planning Process.

  • Learn about the nature of strategic planning and common mistakes to avoid

  • Determine if your team understands what Strategic Planning REALLY is and if they are ready for it.

  • Learn what goes into a nimble and actionable strategic plan – both the physical plan and the planning process.

  • Understand when to plan (and when not to)

  • Get an overview about engagement, and how to work with staff and stakeholders in the process so that they have personal investment in the plan.

  • Learn how to form your Planning Team – a crucial and often overlooked step in a successful planning process.


Gina F.

I'm so glad I did this class. Before, I had a different idea about what strategic planning was about. I'm so grateful I understand it now because it saved our team from wasting a lot of time.

Rebecca V.

This class was perfect for understanding how to set up my team for strategic planning. Definitely gave me some pointers I hadn't thought of and would have missed! Thank you!

Sharon P.

Awesome class! Easy to use platform and super helpful information! I'm having my whole team take it before we start our planning process!

Dan O.

You know the saying, "you don't know what you don't know"? That was me! So glad I took this class!

Meet your instructor

Founder + Instructor Liz Moore

I love this work! On the surface, it looks like helping leaders solve complex problems, build strong teams, and execute nimble strategies. Underneath, it’s really about delivering experiences that light up people’s courage and turn on their connection to purpose. I’ve spent a decade as a consultant and trainer specializing in strategic planning, change management, and leadership coaching. Going back even further, I’ve been behind the scenes facilitating organizations and individuals to define their purpose and professional identity. I’m a strategic thinking expert, master facilitator, skilled teacher, and coach.

Who is this for? Individuals who:

  • are new to strategic planning or don't have recent experience

  • aren't sure if they need or should be doing strategic planning

  • will be leading a strategic planning process and are prepping

  • want to be able to better articulate the foundations to their teams and are looking for a framework

Be ready

Don't dive into a Strategic Planning process without learning these foundations first!